Continuing the Work! 40 Years of Peregrine Research – Jackie Fallon
In-Person and Zoom
The remarkable success of the peregrine falcon recovery program is one of the most highly celebrated restoration efforts of the 20th Century. With more than a 70% decline throughout its global range, the species was on the fast track to potential extinction, especially in the lower 48 states. Thankfully, falconers created a captive breeding program that was able to produce over 7000 falcons. Within 30 years’ time, the species was declared recovered in North America. Today, the peregrine falcon has expanded their range and surpassed historical population levels to a level no one could have possibly imagined. Fallon will discuss the history, process, and monitoring discoveries such as fecundity, migration, density, and adaptability to an ever-changing landscape.
Jacquelyn Fallon is the VP of Field Operations for the Midwest Peregrine Society and MN state coordinator. She has been involved with peregrine falcon monitoring and research since 1988, focusing on population fluctuations and human-peregrine conflict mitigation. Jackie has nearly 35 years of experience with endangered species programs and restoration efforts, primarily canids and raptors. She has a BS in Biology from Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, IA.