Saint Paul Bird Alliance Membership

Please consider becoming a Saint Paul Bird Alliance Member by donating $25 or more annually. 

Your Membership will help us to:

  • Support grants to local organizations focused on conservation, education, and environmental action and education.
  • Bring speakers to our monthly chapter meetings (Sept-May) that educate and excite our passion for birds and the environment.
  • Create and supply educational opportunities for East Metro students.
  • Support critical community science activities.
  • Provide updates, information, and news through our newsletters, website, and other social media services.
  • Protect populations of at-risk bird species through habitat restoration and special projects.
  • Provide informational and informative field trips.

If you prefer, donate by mail using our PDF form.

Be sure to check with your employer and see if they have a matching gift program that would add to your donation.