Kara Snow will present “The Breeding Ecology of Boreal Chickadees in Northern Minnesota.”
Kara will share her research and findings related to Boreal Chickadees with us. The MN DNR lists Boreal Chickadees as a species in great conservation need (SGCN), with declines attributed to habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation. However, the specific impacts of fragmentation on this species are unknown, and critical knowledge gaps in their life history related explicitly to nestling ecology exist.
She examined the effects of fragmentation on Boreal Chickadee food availability, nestling growth rates, nestling body condition, and provisioning rates. She also modeled nest survival concerning landscape, patch, and nest site scale metrics of fragmentation. Kara found evidence that fragmentation negatively impacts nest survival, nestling growth rates, and food availability.
Kara Snow works Natural Resources Research Institute on a research project about Tree Swallows. She has an Undergraduate degree in Wildlife Biology from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and a Master’s Degree from the University of Minnesota-Duluth.
The presentation will also be available via Zoom.