
Why volunteer?  We are an entirely volunteer organization that relies on an incredible group of passionate people willing to donate their time to our shared mission.  There are various volunteer opportunities, some listed below, but we are open to hearing about your skills and passions.  Get in touch with us on our Contact Us page.


Field Trip Coordinator
The Field Trip Coordinator ensures our field trips align with our mission and are a welcoming experience for our members and guests. This includes enlisting and training field trip leaders, ensuring the trip descriptions are informative and accurate, maintaining and growing our partnerships, and keeping the board informed of field trip activities.   Contact

Volunteer Coordinator
The role of the Volunteer Coordinator is to ensure the chapter has volunteers to support the chapter’s initiatives and projects and that each volunteer is engaged and excited to be part of our chapter.  They will work with the committee chairs to define resource needs, use multiple communication avenues to attract volunteers, assess the interests of volunteers and align them with the appropriate opportunities, coordinate onboarding activities, and report volunteer activities to the board.   Contact

Conservation Committee
The Conservation Committee members volunteer their efforts in various ways to help conserve the natural world. The group is actively working on many projects and is continually seeking and working with conservation partners.  They also advocate for crucial local, state, and national conservation initiatives.   If you are interested in joining this dynamic group or would like more information, please send us a note, and we will get back to you.  Contact

Program Committee
The program committee members research and contact possible presenters for our monthly chapter meetings.  The committee then discusses, selects, and invites speakers, ensuring they are welcome and prepared to experience a successful meeting.  If you are interested in joining, please get in touch with us. Contact

Grants Committee
Saint Paul Bird Alliance awards grants to many local, non-profit organizations that share our passion for birds and the places they need to thrive.  The Grants Committee seeks grantees that fit our mission, gathers grant requests and reviews, and presents them to the board for approval.  They also stay in touch with the grantees to ensure they follow through on their commitments and report their successes.   If you are interested in joining, please get in touch with us. Contact

Field Trip Leader/Committee
The Field Trip Committee is led by the Field Trip Coordinator, who plans the annual trip calendar.  Field Trip Leaders serve on the committee.  If you want to become a Saint Paul Audubon Field Trip Leader or have suggestions for new field trips, please contact us. Contact

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors sets the direction and focus of the organization and coordinates its fundraising, financial management, committees, and volunteer activities.  If you want to help us grow our organization and the passion of its members for birds and habitat conservation, please join us. Contact

Community Science

American Kestrel Nesting Box
Saint Paul Bird Alliance Conservation Committee members began placing and monitoring nest boxes for American Kestrels in the east metro area in 2012.  If you join this group, you will monitor one or more nest boxes and assist in maintaining them.  To read more about this project, click here.  If you are interested in joining, please get in touch with us.    Contact

Christmas Bird Count
Each year, Saint Paul Bird Alliance members and friends engage in counting birds in two “count circles” in the East Metro Area.  Whether you are new to birding or an expert, this is a fun event community event.  You will join a small group of birders that cover a small area, looking for and recording every bird you see.  We then gather to share our findings and the day’s adventure.  If you are interested in joining, please get in touch with us. Contact

Organizational Support

Technical Assistance with Chapter Meetings
One of the key offerings of Saint Paul Audubon is our monthly chapter meetings.  We have been challenged to offer successful hybrid sessions.  We seek one or more volunteers with experience facilitating hybrid Zoom meetings, setting up and using sound equipment, and editing and posting Zoom recordings to YouTube.  We can supply an orientation on the current setup and are open to suggestions on improving our attendee’s experience.  If you are interested in joining, please get in touch with us. Contact