June & July 2023 Cardinal Newsletter

Major Victory at Pig’s Eye Regional Park. After working many years to stop the St. Paul Regional Water Department’s dumping of contaminated soil on public park land, the Friends of Pig’s Eye are delighted to announce that the dumping has been stopped!

April & May 2023 Cardinal Newsletter

Three Not-to-Miss Presentations Coming Up in April and May Saint Paul Audubon members and friends are invited to a special presentation with naturalist and photographer Kim Eckert on the morning of April 8, followed by our monthly evening meetings on April 13 and May 11.

February & March 2023 Cardinal Newsletter

The final presentations on this year’s lineup of monthly speakers are coming up. The Monthly Meetings, held via Zoom for the past two years, are on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. For links to the presentations and up-to-date information, go to saintpaulbirdalliance.org and click on Events and then on the event title.

December 2022 & January 2023 Cardinal Newsletter

The final presentations on this year’s lineup of monthly speakers are coming up. The Monthly Meetings, held via Zoom for the past two years, are on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. For links to the presentations and up-to-date information, go to saintpaulbirdalliance.org and click on Events and then on the event title.

October & November 2022 Cardinal Newsletter

The final presentations on this year’s lineup of monthly speakers are coming up. The Monthly Meetings, held via Zoom for the past two years, are on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. For links to the presentations and up-to-date information, go to saintpaulbirdalliance.org and click on Events and then on the event title.

August & September 2022 Cardinal Newsletter

The final presentations on this year’s lineup of monthly speakers are coming up. The Monthly Meetings, held via Zoom for the past two years, are on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. For links to the presentations and up-to-date information, go to saintpaulbirdalliance.org and click on Events and then on the event title.

June 2022 Cardinal Newsletter

The final presentations on this year’s lineup of monthly speakers are coming up. The Monthly Meetings, held via Zoom for the past two years, are on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. For links to the presentations and up-to-date information, go to saintpaulbirdalliance.org and click on Events and then on the event title.

April 2022 Cardinal Newsletter

The final presentations on this year’s lineup of monthly speakers are coming up. The Monthly Meetings, held via Zoom for the past two years, are on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. For links to the presentations and up-to-date information, go to saintpaulbirdalliance.org and click on Events and then on the event title.

February 2022 Cardinal Newsletter

Saint Paul Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count will take place on Saturday, December 18, 2021. This year’s count
will be modified to conform to guidelines set by the National Audubon Society for conducting a COVID-19 safe and socially-distanced count.

Dec 2021 Cardinal Newsletter

Saint Paul Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count will take place on Saturday, December 18, 2021. This year’s count
will be modified to conform to guidelines set by the National Audubon Society for conducting a COVID-19 safe and socially-distanced count.