1567 Ben Franklin Road, Arden Hills, MN
Monday, May 19, 7-9 AM (with optional extension to 11 AM)
The Arden Hills Army Training Site (AHATS) is a 2370-acre military training area for the Minnesota National Guard and Minnesota Department of Military Affairs. Its vast area and variety of habitats are also used for environmental and wildlife conservation programs. Over 170 species of birds have been recorded at the site.
Spring migration across the variety of AHATS habitats should be both exciting and very rewarding. We will be birding in a guided car caravan, stopping at choice locations. The site has lots of prairie and wooded edges for us to explore for their birding potential.
DIRECTIONS Enter the AHATS campus on the Hamline Ave extension just north of MN Hwy 96. Turn left (west) onto Ben Franklin Rd and proceed about ¼ mile to the Ben Franklin gate. Meet inside the gate, roughly at 1567 Ben Franklin Road. We will proceed in a car caravan as group to multiple sites within the property. 45.08330° N, 93.16482° W
INFORMATION The site has restricted access. Be prepared to ride in a car caravan with 4 individuals per vehicle. All caravan vehicles will enter and exit the property together.
REGISTRATION Registration is required, and begins March 30. Attendance is limited to 25 people taken in the order replies are received. Email kryssa.schmidt@gmail.com your mobile phone number with the names of individuals in your party. PLEASE report any changes in numbers right away so those on the waitlist can enjoy this rare opportunity.
DIFFICULTY Ride in car caravan, get in and out of vehicles, travel short distances from vehicles on gravel, paved, or grassy surfaces. Outdoor toilets are very widely spaced across the site.
LEADERS Mary Lee, AHATS Environmental Protection Specialist & Krys Schmidt