Grant Guidelines

The Saint Paul Bird Alliance (SPBA) provides grants—up to $3,000—to 501(c)3 organizations proposing projects that align with and advance our mission:

To engage a diverse community in enjoying, understanding, and protecting birds and the habitats all living beings need to thrive.

Priority is given to projects or activities in Ramsey and Washington Counties that are designed to support one or more of three critical areas of emphasis in SPBA’s work:

  1. Engagement: projects and activities that spark a passion for birds and their habitats in people from diverse communities and engage people in work to protect birds and their habitats.
  2. Conservation: projects and programs that directly protect, expand or restore habitat that helps birds and all living beings thrive.
  3. Advocacy: projects, programs, and activities that seek to improve local, state, or federal policies and programs in ways that more effectively protect birds and improve their habitats.

Applicants must complete and submit a grant application form. In it, you will be asked to detail how your mission and proposed project or activity align with SPBA’s mission and one or more of SPBA’s three critical areas of emphasis.

Applications must be received by September 15.  The SPBA Board will review applications at the December Board meeting.  The Board may approve total or partial funding, decline the application, or request more information about your application.

We appreciate your interest in protecting birds and the habitats all living things need to thrive.

Application Timeline

Grant applications are reviewed twice per year.  Notification will be made to the applicant by the second week of the month reviewed.

Application Received By Application Reviewed
September 15 December Board Meeting

Application Form