Since historic times, Greater Sandhill Cranes have congregated by the thousands every autumn evening in the marshes and ponds now called Crex Meadows, located on the north side of Grantsburg, WI.
“The American Kestrel,” featuring Julian Sellers. This presentation May 13th will describe the taxonomy, life history, population trends, and threats facing the American Kestrel. Julian will bring you up to date […]
The Saint Paul Audubon Society board is happy to announce that in-person group birding events will again be allowed, and the Field Trip Committee has planned a full schedule of […] 10:30:122021-05-05 10:31:04In-Person Field Trips to Resume!
The boreal forest is the largest piece of forested wilderness in the world. In the Americas, it stretches from Maine to Alaska and is a prominent biome in Europe and […] 15:54:332021-04-26 15:54:34SENTINELS OF THE BOREAL – A Short Film by Tomas Koeck
Chase Davies loves being outdoors and she loves leading nature walks. No surprise, as she is one of the most frequent field trip leaders for the Saint Paul Audubon Society. […]
Sandhill Cranes in Crex Meadows SWA
/in Field Trips, Of InterestSince historic times, Greater Sandhill Cranes have congregated by the thousands every autumn evening in the marshes and ponds now called Crex Meadows, located on the north side of Grantsburg, WI.
Oct & Nov 2021 Cardinal Newsletter
/in CardinalAug & Sept 2021 Cardinal Newsletter
/in CardinalJune & July 2021 Cardinal Newsletter
/in Cardinal“The American Kestrel,” featuring Julian Sellers.
/in Membership Meeting, News“The American Kestrel,” featuring Julian Sellers. This presentation May 13th will describe the taxonomy, life history, population trends, and threats facing the American Kestrel. Julian will bring you up to date […]
In-Person Field Trips to Resume!
/in Field Trips, NewsThe Saint Paul Audubon Society board is happy to announce that in-person group birding events will again be allowed, and the Field Trip Committee has planned a full schedule of […]
SENTINELS OF THE BOREAL – A Short Film by Tomas Koeck
/in Of InterestThe boreal forest is the largest piece of forested wilderness in the world. In the Americas, it stretches from Maine to Alaska and is a prominent biome in Europe and […]
Meet Field Trip Leader Chase Davies
/in Field Trips, Of InterestChase Davies loves being outdoors and she loves leading nature walks. No surprise, as she is one of the most frequent field trip leaders for the Saint Paul Audubon Society. […]
April & May 2021 Cardinal
/in Cardinal