Support Audubon

The Saint Paul Audubon Society is building a better future for birds by bringing people together to learn how the restoration and protection of local ecosystems will help birds, other wildlife and people thrive.


Become a member of Audubon and have a voice in helping people enjoy, respect, and care for the natural resources that sustain us all. We offer a national and chapter membership for $20 a year.

Click here to learn more about membership.


Make a donation to help provide essential funding for Saint Paul area birds and the habitats on which they depend. Donations are 100% tax deductible. Donate online or by mail (using our pdf form).

Consider making a donation in honor or in memory of someone special. When you give a gift in honor or in memory, the person honored or the family of the person memorialized will receive notification of your thoughtfulness. Make a gift in honor or in memory online or by mail (using our pdf form).

Special Support

Support the Saint Paul Audubon Society’s Endowment Fund. You can enhance your financial plans by maximizing the tax benefits to you and your family while helping to ensure that Saint Paul Audubon Society’s work will continue long into the future. Saint Paul Audubon Society is proud to have an endowment fund with the St. Paul Foundation, the largest community foundation in Minnesota. On behalf of our endowment fund, The Saint Paul Foundation can accept a wide variety of assets – from planned gifts to stock gifts to real estate.

Please contact the Development Office at The Saint Paul Foundation at 651-224-6167 for more information.