Annie Bracey using MOTUS to track juvenile Common Terns

Monthly Virtual Speaker Series – September 10

Featuring Annie Bracey, U of MN, Duluth, presenting “Motus Avian Monitoring Network and Common Terns”

Please join in to watch the first online presentation of the Saint Paul Audubon Society’s 2020-21 Speaker Series. This new monthly series of talks in a virtual format is taking the place of our monthly in-person meetings for now.

Our September speaker is Annie Bracey, a PhD student in the Conservation Sciences program at UMD, who also works at the Natural Resources Research Institute in Duluth. Her dissertation research is on the life-cycle biology and conservation of Lake Superior Common Terns and includes tracking technologies to document movements of adults and juveniles throughout the year. She also works on large-scale monitoring of Great Lakes wetland birds and restoration of the St. Louis River in Duluth.

Annie has provided the following overview of her upcoming presentation: “The Motus Wildlife Tracking System is a network of coordinated, automated radio telemetry arrays used to study animal movement at multiple spatial scales. I will provide background information about the Motus Network, describe how our research group at the Natural Resources Research Institute in Duluth has been using Motus, and provide examples of species we are currently studying with this technology, including the Common Tern and Rusty Blackbird. I will also briefly discuss how this network is hoping to expand throughout the Midwest portion of the United States.” She will also talk about the new Motus monitors at Carpenter Nature Center and Sax-Zim Bog.

To watch the presentation, simply go to, find the meeting link for that date and click on “Join us.” The presentations will also be taped and posted on our website, for additional viewing.

Note: The Zoom presentation is limited to the first 100 people to login.

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