The new Cardinal has information on our upcoming speakers, our large variety of spring and summer field trips, Warbler Weekend updates and registration, education committee updates, Earth Day, updates on the St. Croix Valley habitat restoration, and much more.
The new Cardinal has information on our upcoming speakers, an update on the CBC, upcoming field trips and Warbler Weekend, a review of the great work FrogTown Green is doing, and how to get involved in the future of our chapter.
The new Cardinal has information on our upcoming speakers, the 2023 Christmas Bird Count, creating a more welcoming community, 2023 Kestrel Nest Box results, a
new field trip series at Silverwood Park and a win at Pig’s Eye Park
Thank you to everyone who has participated in Saint Paul Audubon activities this past year, supporting our mission of engaging a diverse community in enjoying, understanding, and protecting birds and the habitats they need to thrive. Burnes Burnes2023-11-22 07:47:502023-11-22 07:48:05Annual Report 2022-2023 Now Available
Come and join this fantastic Community Science event. Saint Paul Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count will occur on Saturday, December 16, 2023. Gregg Severson will organize and compile the count, with help this year from Kiki Sonnen and Greg Burnes.
We have two exciting speakers in October and November. Please note that the October Meeting will be on Wednesday, Oct. 11, and the November meeting is ZOOM Only.
Please read Chip Notes – Saint Paul Audubon has been active with many advocacy issues related to birds and habitats. We’ve also included an update on the Butterfly Count and a listing of upcoming events. There is always more on our website.
Monthly Meetings With Featured Speakers Resume in September
One of the Saint Paul Audubon Society’s regular activities is chapter meetings, open to the public, on the second Thursday of each month, September through May. These in-person gatherings are an opportunity to get to know other birders, hear about chapter news, and enjoy presentations by experts on a wide range of topics relating to birds, their habitats, and nature and conservation in general.
Major Victory at Pig’s Eye Regional Park. After working many years to stop the St. Paul Regional Water Department’s dumping of contaminated soil on public park land, the Friends of Pig’s Eye are delighted to announce that the dumping has been stopped!
The annual election of Saint Paul Audubon Society board officers and directors will take place on May 11 at the monthly chapter meeting. The meeting is at 7:00 p.m. in the usual monthly meeting location, room 207 of the Aŋpétu Téča Education Center at 1910 County Road B West, Roseville. See for complete information about the meeting.
April – May 2024 Cardinal
/in CardinalThe new Cardinal has information on our upcoming speakers, our large variety of spring and summer field trips, Warbler Weekend updates and registration, education committee updates, Earth Day, updates on the St. Croix Valley habitat restoration, and much more.
Feb – March 2024 Cardinal
/in CardinalThe new Cardinal has information on our upcoming speakers, an update on the CBC, upcoming field trips and Warbler Weekend, a review of the great work FrogTown Green is doing, and how to get involved in the future of our chapter.
December – January 2024 Cardinal
/in CardinalThe new Cardinal has information on our upcoming speakers, the 2023 Christmas Bird Count, creating a more welcoming community, 2023 Kestrel Nest Box results, a
new field trip series at Silverwood Park and a win at Pig’s Eye Park
Annual Report 2022-2023 Now Available
/in NewsThank you to everyone who has participated in Saint Paul Audubon activities this past year, supporting our mission of engaging a diverse community in enjoying, understanding, and protecting birds and the habitats they need to thrive.
2023 Christmas Bird Count – Dec. 16
/in NewsCome and join this fantastic Community Science event. Saint Paul Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count will occur on Saturday, December 16, 2023. Gregg Severson will organize and compile the count, with help this year from Kiki Sonnen and Greg Burnes.
October & November 2023 Cardinal Newsletter
/in CardinalWe have two exciting speakers in October and November. Please note that the October Meeting will be on Wednesday, Oct. 11, and the November meeting is ZOOM Only.
Please read Chip Notes – Saint Paul Audubon has been active with many advocacy issues related to birds and habitats. We’ve also included an update on the Butterfly Count and a listing of upcoming events. There is always more on our website.
August & September 2023 Cardinal Newsletter
/in CardinalMonthly Meetings With Featured Speakers Resume in September
One of the Saint Paul Audubon Society’s regular activities is chapter meetings, open to the public, on the second Thursday of each month, September through May. These in-person gatherings are an opportunity to get to know other birders, hear about chapter news, and enjoy presentations by experts on a wide range of topics relating to birds, their habitats, and nature and conservation in general.
June & July 2023 Cardinal Newsletter
/in CardinalMajor Victory at Pig’s Eye Regional Park. After working many years to stop the St. Paul Regional Water Department’s dumping of contaminated soil on public park land, the Friends of Pig’s Eye are delighted to announce that the dumping has been stopped!
2023 Board Elections
/in NewsThe annual election of Saint Paul Audubon Society board officers and directors will take place on May 11 at the monthly chapter meeting. The meeting is at 7:00 p.m. in the usual monthly meeting location, room 207 of the Aŋpétu Téča Education Center at 1910 County Road B West, Roseville. See for complete information about the meeting.