Entries by simpledesigns

August/September 2011

Join Tara Harris, Director of Conservation at the Minnesota Zoo, on Thursday, September 8th for her presentation on Namibia’s critically endangered black rhino and the vulnerable Hartmann’s mountain zebra | Audubon Minnesota’s third Annual Chimney Swift Sit | A Note from Our New President | Monthly Morning Walks | Spoonbilled Sandpiper in Danger

June/July 2011

Summer Butterfly Census | SPAS “Go Paperless” Campaign | Annual Fund Donors | Conversation News

Avian Architects

Raise the family in a birdhouse or on a branch? Birds have their own ideas about what’s best for their broods.

Call of the Wild

Bird songs are designed to attract a mate or repel a rival, but birds have other things they need to communicate. Pairs need to stay in contact, flocks confer back and forth and a bird that notices a potential attacker will issue a warning. For these and other purposes birds rely on calls—a repertoire of short, unmusical sounds that convey specific information. Unlike a bird’s song, much of which is learned, bird calls are instinctual, an innate means of communicating.

Spring is Robin Season

Spring moves toward us at its own plodding pace, “migrating” northward about 15 miles a day, a measure of the rate at which frost leaves the soil.

April/May 2011

“Minnesota State Parks” with Chris Niskanen (April 2011) | “Birds in Flight” by Carrol Henderson (May 2011) | Audubon Volunteers | 2011-2012 Nominating Committee Slate | 2011-2012 Proposed Budget | Spring Outings | Urban Bird Festival | Book Review: The Crossley ID Guide